host: where is conroe, texas, lidia? caller: we are in a very hot place right outside of houston, texas. host: and what kind of work do you do? caller: i work with children. i'm a retired teacher. you see the effects of illegal immigration in conroe, texas? caller: oak am a my. we have a facility that houses a very small amount of these children. we have worked before to try to pass a law that no one can rent .o any legal -- an illegal this facility, they want a closed or run out of town. let's think about this. these children, all of these people ought to be here. somebody has to take care of them, and this facility, they are being paid for by the government. our economy needs jobs and we need money. its the practical and not put our hate before our pocketbooks. -- lets be practical and not put our hate before our pocketbooks. maybe i'm the one that is out of whack. i don't know. host: thank you, ma'am. built -- bill in illinois. my comment is recently, president obama requested 3.7 billion dollars for the children that