conseeno, we have movie and trivia night. something for everybody' lovely place to gather work or be by yourselfism there are many ways to enjoy cannabis, we have flowers edibles, extracts tablets. a lot of different ways to consume so if you don't like the heat of fire while you don't want to be a smoker but still want to engage in medical benefits of cannabis, it is great for pain and great for easing yourself. it isn't just about smoking weed, but we are showing what cannabis can be a part of in the greater participation of a city and of downtown san francisco. that's what is important about it to me. welcome to san francisco's new revitalized qatar valline this is not just an upgrade is a community transformation. taraval street under a complete make over from 10 feet below the street to 30 feet above. >> it is part of the taraval improve am project to impprove transit performance and make the streets safer for all who use them. completed on time and on budget, this multiagency construction project is a once in a generation investment to bring