thank heavens i'm brother guy consolmagno. as you heard, the director of the vatican observatory that's me. i'm in the picture in skellig michael, which is 1002 year old monastery off the coast of, kerry in ireland, which where they have a dark sky sight. my research is meteorites, you know, the rocks that fall out of the sky in the asteroids that they come from. i came to skellig michael to celebrate the brothers, the religious brothers, like who dedicated their lives, the worship of god in the fact that it's a spectacular place to visit made it all the more attractive. and the fact that it was where. they filmed the most recent star wars movies also had a little bit to do with why i like being there. i am, as you heard an author, i've got a coming out the end of september called when science goes wrong and the subtitle is the the desire and the search for truth, which raises an interesting question how do you write a book about science, not a book of science, but a book about science? how do you write a book about truth? bot