and to those -- i think constable warmike heard me speak about that this morning, how important it is that we continue that research. and part of the issue in the budget was there was a lot of money rescinded in some of the carbon projects that were a partnership between the government and private sector. and what we're trying to do our path forward we see as a viable path forward is that there is a beneficial use of carbon dioxide which will further our research in capturing carbon dioxide that can now be used in the enhanced world of oil recovery, but also as we pump the carbon dioxide in the ground, we will learn a lot about what is going on. these industries saying what we say, all right. we understand, we're still interested in that. so we're trying to work with the industry and reprogram some of this, and we haven't, in having the carbon capture, and the sequestration is in the oil recovery which will tell us a lot and sequester in the short term and we'll learn a lot. >> you're proposing to cut the funding. you're going to cut fossil research and development 21%. you're cutting