. >> the stigma of pot kept constance finley from using it for years. >> maybe at a party, six to eight times a year, you do it more often i felt like you had a problem. >> having a crippleing joint pain, she went online, and started distilling it underground. he says to me, how come you are so much better? i started shaking, he's going to think i'm a weirdo, a stoner he's going to discount everything i'm saying. i told him i'm afraid to tell you but i've been experimenting with making this high concentration oil for myself. it's been changing my life. he said o my god, we need that. >> stage 4 cancer patients referred by their docket, the cost -- doctor. the cost of a three month treatment cycle is about $7,000. >> we are the number one operation in the world for cannabis oil. >> to date, there's been no studies made on finley's miracle oil. the benefits may be exaggerated. >> personally, in the test tube and animal models there may be an effect of highly concentrate ed cannabinoids. but when patients come to me with a curable malignancy saying they can treat it with cannabis oil. >> a