remember constance mcmillin? she sues her high school because they wouldn't let her bring a female date to the prom. and remember how the school cancelled the event and how a judge ruled the county school district was not enforcing the district to hold the prom because a private prom is being organized and mcmillin was involved in that. remember how you thought that was the end of the story. and remember how you are always wrong. you are always wrong and i still love you. >> they wept to the private -- went to the private prom, but only 7 other students were there. the aclu which represents her now says there may have been another event, a secret event that all the other kids were invited to. even worse, the whole sham was set up by the parents, possibly with the involvement of the ict school district and an alien monster. i think we have tape of the other prom. still only had three people there. didn't miss much there either in my book. >> try it again. >> okay, start over. >> sc, do you think these young lesbia