so the early phase then begins with this important move to a new capital in constantinople, and it takes and it lasts all the way and into the early phase of 8th century a.d. the 8th century is comparable-- in fact, the end of the early period is parallel to the carolingian development in the west, and, in fact, is very instrumental in the development of the carolingian culture because byzantine art fed right into it. and i think that we need to keep that in mind. now, following the early byzantine period, there is an intermediate phase. and this intermediate phase is called the iconoclastic period. this is the period where representational imagery was not allowed, in fact, banned from religious interiors, which certainly is not the case in this particular building nor in any buildings created in the byzantine tradition, following the iconoclastic period. now, the iconoclastic period lasts for about 120 years until, finally, in the early or about the mid-, actually, 843 to be exact, by the mid-9th century, you have once again a re-ascension of religious art or figurative representation i