. >> three leading conte conten cs we want to tell you about.e are following the elections from the capital. >> this is genuinely historic election for two reasons. the most powerful man in georgia for many years is finally stepping down since leading this country after the rose revolution in 2003. it's really been turned around. the lights stay on at night. he dealt with petty corruption but he became extremely unpopular and his government lost in parliamentary last year. he is a bit of a lame duck president now. and secondly the international community have de commended geoa for bucking the trend in post abovsovereign states by holdinga free and democratic elect.ion. there is a man named david he is expected to pick up some of the votes. a veteran politician she is expected to do reasonably well. the front runner is the coalition candidate. and he is a political know unknn but he is po popular because hes the backing of this government and it's leader, the prime minister arguably the most dominant force in georgian politics today. the powers o