technology may be to take full advantage of it you have to find oil in the first place continental shelf some of the largest and least explored oil reserves in the world with such huge potential they formed under the gaze of oil companies hunting for oil its. own set of unique challenges. has developed a painted technology that takes. comprises a series of nodes that can create images of the ocean floor faster and more cost effective than traditional methods the technology behind the company's success is a result of the work. of earth physics where research into ocean surveying started in the ninety's. it was really only a bit of scientific fun. five years ago when i didn't think this project was worth developing marketing for the industry or what we were technology. saving microprocessors microcircuits. digital converters rapid while copying technology. speeds of up to fifteen megabytes per second and that's much quicker than wife i. did over a few days and transfer it in a matter of minutes. to continue registration because that's a successful test on the black sea has drawn the attent