president obama marked -- mocked contingenciesman fleming's remark yesterday. >> one congressman said that obama care is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever passed. ever in the history of america, this is the most dangerous piece of legislation. >> congressman john fleming of louisiana is joining us here in "the situation room." thanks for coming in. >> thank you. >> did you absolutely say those words? >> absolutely. >> you believe this is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever. >> yeah. >> in all the years of the united states of america? >> yes, this legislation, obama care, removes $716 billion -- >> going back to legislation that approved slavery, all of that, even more dangerous than that? >> yes. this affects millions. in fact it will affect probably every single american. it covers one-sixth of the economy. people are being laid off. 77%, wolf, of every job created today is a part-time job as a result primarily of obama care. as you know, the numbers have just been released. the exchanges on average, the cost of health care premiums are going to go up -- >> this