. -- the str being seens start of a convsation. >> cenr, , h the world's richest soccer league is beating still to come. first, the u.s. cretary of state has told scland's juste secretary deliberate -- the manic invved in the bombing -- the man involved in the bombing -- he wl be releed next wee on compassionate grounds. >> like liquid fire pouring from the sky,hat is how one man describes the ne pan am flight 103 pnged to the ground. that was the bigge acts of terrorism in british history, the mass murder of 20070 pple. now, reports suggest thathe man convicted of its chestration may be freed. abdelbaset i al-megrahi may be releed. >> ty are appalled. h idea was to apply for compassionate rease, a the appeal ds not have to be droppe for compaionately, so i am que taken aback by ts change. >> it comes mor than two çdecades afterç bomb tore the airplane apart in the skies over lockerbie. after years, libya agreed to lease two suspects for trial in april 1998. scottish court was convenedn the therlands,and in january 2001, two judg found merahi guiy. others, like jam,hose daughter wa kild