please accept these valuable cooper coupons... restitution.d... ooh, science center. redeeming. let's go. well played, amy farrah fowler. let me get my coat. (whip cracks) oh, grow up, leonard. but e-excuse me, i have something to say. none of you may realize it, but i was very much looking forward to this weekend. it was gonna be like the old days-- the four of us hanging out playing video games before you guys all got girlfriends. do you have any idea what it's like to be the only one without a girlfriend? even if i get one someday, i'll still be the guy who got a girl after sheldon cooper! and that's how a girl makes a scene. i'm sorry, sweetie. you're right. you deserve your weekend. come on, amy, let's go. what about the science center? i'll let you hold my hair while i throw up. rain check. i'm gonna go, too. i'll miss you. i'll miss you. i'll miss you more. no, i'll... just leave! (sighs) okay, now. this is the way it's supposed to be. men together, fighting the forces of evil. leonard, sheldon, wolowitz: hear! hear! (sighs) i can't bel