this topic of the great unknown that is space for hundreds upon hundreds of years scientists from copernicus to galileo have dedicated their lives to unraveling the secrets of space fear or fascination all of it has left people around the world vexed just a couple of hours ago a massive asteroid called twenty twelve d a fourteen past the earth so close that it was within viewing distance it just missed us by about seventeen thousand miles which is actually extremely close now if you thought the meteor i had hit that had hit russia had inflicted a lot of damage that one was only the approximate size of a kitchen table this asteroid was one hundred fifty feet wide now i don't know about you but when i hear the terms asteroid and meteor and things like that i always think of hollywood flicks like armageddon and deep impact but what would it really be like if an asteroid or a meteor hit the earth joining me now to discuss is geoff chester he's from the u.s. navy observatory there jeff hello thank you for our for joining me so let's talk about all this media hype that was surrounded by this aster