but it's before copernicus comes along. so what do you do? welcome i just don't have the answer that question. one thing that could be done if you could make one arbitrary distinction between severe mental illness and all the rest of it. you could get the resources focused in this way. the pressure would be that is the medical stuff when it's obvious that there's an awful lot of homelessness and mistreatment and all sorts of other things that are not medical, strictly speaking, are going to schizophrenia. at least they make that that distinction and focus the resources they had what that would mean is that their dislike me would have to detach ourselves from the medical model and make less money. but, you know, you can't -- you can't have it both ways. my mp3 less because i try not to use this method of getting people to pay me directly. but we just make less money and we have less prestige. but that might be okay. >> did you have something you wanted to say? >> cohead. >> you're talking before about an unexpected consequence with patients. y