but coralluzzo denied everything.blaze. so jarrell let him go. keith morrison: and if he didn't burn the car, doesn't that let him out? no. why not? because his actions lead me to believe that he did something so disgusting and vile that he had to leave grand junction and lie about his family dying. something happened. keith morrison (voiceover): and there was somebody else, said megan. he told multiple people that he did something so terrible that he could never take it to the grave and that he would never be forgiven. what was that besides murdering somebody? george was a sketchy person, and he totally did this. keith morrison (voiceover): the coralluzzo she knew, she said, was cunning enough to have one of his pals help him, somebody like this guy, his best friend, jose tavera. detectives suspected that, too. so they found tavera, brought him in for questioning. and what do you know? he'd recently injured his arm. jose tavera: i had a bandage on it, and the cop asked me, what is that? the detective goes, what happe