they choose a place which now is an belorussia whether want to coram and destroyed. and so the book is the first full-scale in english of what happened on the banks of the server back in november of 1812. if we look on a global scale will we see is that because the struggle between britain and france. they signed a peace treaty hallo aloe and then it essentially collapsed the following year. the war resumed in 1805 and he had the decision to five diversification. it's interesting. that year the united states effectively into the fray after the british the united states to lead to the rapture and their relationships. we have this to a conflict. the warfare in europe between france, britain, russia, but also have a struggle between the americans. it's tied to this applicable rivalry between france and britain. one of the reasons i get interested in the battle is that if you look at the traditional accounts, is described as the military genius, and he is betrayed a single handedly outwitting russians, making the move to the right and then crossing the river to the left.