laughter] think ind not really -- the west was his greatest scene of triumph in terms of the battle of coram and stones river. anniversary of his marriage to his wife, so it had a double meaning for him. i don't know if she always liked the anniversary letter starting off with, "i was whippering the confederates at this time, but now i am thinking of you." there are like 10 of these. [laughter] have -- he did not did not write that much after the war. his family begged him to write and get his story in, and he just did not think anybody -- he did not see any money in it. he was too busy trying to regain his fortune through economic and political means. tamika, you emphasized in so many helpful ways that the more time military service by the regiments has been in the prewar period, both have been traditions of slave resistance and in prior acts of military service. tell us a little bit about those champions of black enlistment, like frederick douglass. to what degree were they overtly referring to those connections and those deep roots, evoking the example of the revolution or heroes of slave