if the explosions arrive at the for thee or -- corba plutonium, it doesn't work. of lose south wiest alamos. oppy later thought of a phrase babita, baba god -- by now i am death, destroyer of worlds. just to put this in perspective, that one bomb when it was dropped over japan had the explosive and destructive equivalent of 2000 of our biggest bombers used in the war fully loaded. it had to be 2000 of those bombs fully loaded dropping all of their loads equaled the destructive power of one atomic weapon. oppenheimer felt about his work in a complicated way. he had some mixed feelings of the fact that he did create this weapon of mass distraction. on the other hand, he ended the war. i don't think the atomic weapons won the war. the war was already one. it was won by the united states military, and by the people working in the factories. 1945ar ended in august of because of the atomic bomb. oppy realized this and took pride in the fact that possibly some lives were saved because of the use of it. invasion of the home islands of japan probably would've created more