of course, corey feldman and mccauley culkin spent a lot of time with michael jvenlthsackso.hey deny anything inappropriate went on between them and jackson. i am wondering, who else, if anybody, comes forward. >> you know, i have a copy of my book they keep just for me. and in the back, i write a bunch of names of young boys who i suspect may now come forward. and it's a long list. it's like 24 names. so are there going to be more come forward? maybe. i think the take away on this is, for people who say, why are they coming forward now? have we learned nothing about the way child victims report? look at all the priestly sex abuse cases. 20, third years lat30 years lat boys come forward, it's especially hard fouboys to talk about their molestation. we shouldn't be surprised they come forward at this late date. i wouldn't be surprised if there is more coming forward. >> of course the response from the jackson estate or attorneys would be the old were you lying then or are you lying now? >> yes, michael jackson was found innocent. not guilty at that trial, i spent every day tha