a song by corey lamb and called "break the cycle."en produced. ♪ i'll still be hungry for something right ♪ ♪ thank you for your >> good. joining me now is corey lamb who is back home in little rock, arkansas and steven baldwin who is in new york. welcome to you both. corey -- >> good morning. >> good morning. i'll start with corey. what was it about steven baldwin you wanted to take a chance on somebody who never produce ad music video before? >> you know, he's got such a great track record in acting and he's been in some really amazing movies, and i just thought, you know what? why not? he seems fairly normal so i thought hey, let's give at it shot. it turned out amazing. >> steven, you seem fairly normal. what i would like to know, what is it about corey's message in that song that made you want to take a chance and to direct a music video? >> well, corey, first and foremost the song is killer so when the opportunity was presented to me it was like hey, corey's team is looking at doing this music video for a song that they are anti