general plan 14 the zoning administrator corey teague's assertion that the s.f.eral plan is not related to private open spaces and is irrelevant to this case is that which is not true? the s.f. general plan identifies private open spaces as part of the city's open space system 15 while planning code 176 authorizes planning to issue a notice of violation for violations of planning code. neither are trellis nor fence violate planning code which invalidates all of plantings 2024 and 2021 violation notices 16 zoning administrator corey teague's assertion that the fence and trellis construction was visible from the street and aerial photos somehow legalize the government search of private property without probable cause and without proper consent is that which is not true? the supreme court corrects planning's error in is essential to any seizure of the knowledge of property conditions that planning did not violate the fourth amendment in arriving at the place from which the evidence could be plainly viewed, planning must be lawfully authorized by the existence of uns