i found a new system in the vulcan database-- coridan. they're only a few light-years away so i thought we'd, uh, take a look. llion humanoids. apparently, the vulcans have a mining agreement with them. i had hoshi send a message to their chancellor and she invited us to visit their capital city. then i'll start shining my boots. i think i'll just take hoshi this time. the chancellor asked me to limit the number of people i bring down until they get to know us better. oh. it's really too bad. he d dabase, they've got the largest starship construction yards in the sector. they're supposed to have ships that can run circles around the vulcans. better than six-five? they say... some coridan ships have reached warp seven but, nah, that's just a rumor. warp seven? you should lend hoshi your camera. ah, you had me going there for a minute! ( chuckling): you're just too easy a target. so you're taking me, right? hoshi (over com): bridge to captain archer. go ahead. i'm receiving a transmsmsion from starfleet command. it's admiral forrest, sir. a