the dbi will meet with the mayor's office and corin woods to go over the year-end projections. those are significant efforts to determine how the current year is going and where we're going to end up given the revenue uncertainly. next slide, please. now i'll get into some of the history. how what dbi financial position is and how it get there. so i'll go back to 2011 after the last financial crisis in 02008, the city really saw revenue begin to rise sherman in 2010 or 2011 and get its - every year expectations revenue far exceeded the expenditures. all the way up to the pandemic. and in 2020 was a sharp reversal and subsequent changes due to work from home and the safety of streets and a host of other factors that demand for permits immediately went way down by about a third. um, which is about $30 million. so our current financial position we have $77 million in cash we have that in a bucket today approximately but much is committed so we've entered search warrant contract for services we have already had multiple years money we have not spent but committed. so the important