so i'm sure you know already white house press secretary, corinne john pierre went absolutely bonkers lately. sam, when she was asked by a local rep. busy her in north carolina, if the president is okay, and i thought it was a respectable question. she just said, is the president. okay. a lot of people want me to ask because, you know, they knew i was going to talk to you. so i'm going to ask you this question here. here it is. here's the moment. when i told a number of people that i was talking to you today, the, it was interesting though, they all said, would you please just ask her? does the president have dementia mark, i can't even believe you're asking me this question. that is the credibly offensive question to ask, but you know, i'll ask, i wait, oh, let me. no, no, no, no, no, you mark you, you, you too. you're taking it down to the rabbit hole for the past several years. the president's position has laid out very because in a comprehensive way of the president's health. this is the president. if you watch you every day, if you really pay attention to his record and what he h