pickup. >> but first corley will experience one more sobering step. exchanging his street clothes for jail scrubs and plastic sandals. >> let's see what this says. it says we're taking away your freedom right here. >> keep going. corley will wait in a holding cell with other new inmates until his housing assignment is finalized. while corley's booking process was routine, many others are emotionally overwhelmed on their first day in jail. >> i'm in the orange county jail. i'm in a room with no windows, no nothing. >>> here's what's happening. a federal judge has deniied another request to ke e delay the trial of tsarnaev. jury selection is set to begin in a week. >>> cleveland's mayor says an investigation into the police shooting of tamir rice will be overseen by the sheriff's office. he was carrying a pellet gun when he was fatally shot in november. back to, "lockup". >>> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> you've got to tell me where to go. >> you've never been to jail before? >> no, i haven't. >> i believe that one. >> n