pickup. >> but first corley will experience one more sobering step.xchanging his street clothes for jail scrubs and plastic sandals. >> let's see what this says. it says we're taking away your freedom right here. >> keep going. corley will wait in a holding cell with other new inmates until his housing assignment is finalized. while corley's booking process was routine, many others are emotionally overwhelmed on their first day in jail. >> i'm in the orange county jail. i'm in a room with no windows, no nothing. >>> i have the top stories. the dam that could burst in puerto rico after hurricane maria. power and cell service remain crippled. >>> nfl and nba are standing up for themselves after president trump spoke out. curry isn't wanted at the white house. he says he didn't want to go anyway. now, back to lineup. >>> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> you've got to tell me where to go. >> you've never been to jail before? >> no, i haven't. >> i believe that one. >> nearly every inmate who's done te in state prison has firs