henley was one of two teenagers who lured young boys to corll's home. >> dean corll would pick up kidsn his house, he would incapacitate them and put them on what he called his death board and rape and kill them. >> the texas sex and torture killings now have become the worst mass murders in american history. four more bodies of young boys were dug up today and that brings to 27 the number of bodies discovered so far. >> some people trying to make it appear that the police department has not done all that it could or should have done in these cases. the police department feels that these parents are not exactly discharging their own responsibilities so far as raising and disciplining their children. >> these shocking murders finally focus national attention on a major problem, that of runaway children and what can happen to them. >> the children that run away from home today are not the children that we had running away in the '60s. in the '60s we had what we called then flower children, and they ran away basically for socio political reasons. today children are running from a situatio