cornelia ja spruce performs an experiment to find out.she gives the jellyfish caught a larvae for food. jellyfish doesn't eat the fish eggs they spit them out again. the opposite happens to the very young cod babies. but comb jelly laps them up. when you have this kind of taken a to fish lava but mostly just those that is still in the yolk sent up they don't actively swim yet the others are to mobile get away from the jellyfish arms into the vacation and coming up to 7. this means the warty come jelly's could be dangerous. on board the danish research vessel donna biologist who there conducts a jellyfish census 4 times a year. are they posing a threat to the eggs and larvae of herring and cod. and it was bones get bitten that in these jellyfish is a natural habitat along the east coast of north and south america they are notorious for eating fish eggs and marking fish eye on laughing at 1st and that's of that's why we were worried when we 1st discovered this b.c.s. back in 2007 here around bornholm because this is the main spawning area f