he named it to a foot, three sons after his heroes, george washington, henry emmerson and cornelius vanderbilt. [laughter] and so when the civil war came around, he tried to give his largest steamship which cost nearly a million dollars. he tried to give it to the union navy and giddy and said no the secretary of the navy. he was a little prickly. nobody thought the war would last that long. never going to have this expensive ship it's going to be a white elephant for the navy. he said no so vanderbilt ended up being forced actually against his will to lease it for large sums to the department. >> host: teaching styles on his book the first tycoon and by the way you can go to the book tv website, booktv.org and search defense. you will find all kind of video including that want to take a look at what online. you're favorite best non-fiction book of 2009 year raised dennis in bloomfield hills, michigan. go ahead. >> merry christmas, sir. >> thank you. >> caller: there's a lot of great nonfiction books that cannot and of a book about dred scott. the best this year was and the fed by dr. ron paul