. >> mayor cornett, how do you begin to prioritize in a time of economic stress? we all agree in this room, preaching to the choir, there's a straight line between educational achievement and economic development. there's a good reasons for private companies and investments to be engaged. at some point, choices have to be made about resources. eventually, you have to decide as a chief executive where the emphasis goes. how do you begin to do that? >> first, public safety is the priority of city government. from the educational perspective, it's important to keep the philanthropist engaged. if they get to the point where they don't feel like their investment is making the difference, they will withdraw. you have to keep it going between the leaders, superintendent, school board, philanthropist, and city government. the more people, the better chances you will be. in times like that, when budgets get squeezed. i hear them talking about having to cut the budget, you got to keep the philanthropist involved. >> give me an example how that's worked. >> we have a program