really up to the corporaon, it stts with the shareholders and the boa. you start with that sondly and moremportantly, i think he's an aolutely impossible sition. if he were to approve th pay as prented, then he'll take an awl lot of flack as will the blic in ter of the rat approved. if h turns down the reques and wers the amounts and the coanies don't perform, thell ble him saying the taxpayers have losbecause he didn't apove a comtitive pay structe. either way, it's -- i thi -- a bad idea. >> suzanne: considering theact he'sn a tou ot though, what do u think his liky findings are going to ? the metrics he uses probably ll be simar to the metcs the banks themlves used in creati the compensation packages. my guesss a lot of the stuff gets approved. you have a bureaucraticrocess, if you will, for reviing the pay. it was cated by a bureaucratic process to begin th it's interesting, historicall, judges have always had the power that hs had to overturn pay yet th've almostnever used thatower because thr views, it's impossie to appropriately predic they, inste