perhaps you can send a message to captain corrallest. [spelling?] third, i would like you to follow up on what calvin said follow up on your resolution and get an independent recycling center committee setup because this is a resource that can help the city reach the 20/20 zero waste goal and lastly, i'll like you to ask to work with the mayor so that heads of commissions like reek and parks are san francisco residents and live here and care about what goes on here thank you.. >> supervisors aids and public members. and i'm also a board member and long time residental. i would think that the next issue would be again, just to remanufacture what they said. where is the money coming from a quarter of a million dollars or more and where is the money for the upkeep coming from and these are real numbers and then the impact that this closuresure is going to have in the community and if it's in forest it's going to be great and if they don't take recycling and there is no other autopsies in the neighborhood now there isn't and everyone is waiting for some