Dec 15, 2010
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una nueva etapa en la relación entre colombia y ecuador llega el presidente correa con ayuda.teo en la cámara un hombre disparó contra funcionario de la junta escolar de la florida tenemos el trágico desenlace. este es su noticiero univision con jorge ramos y maría elena salinas. qué tal, el presidente de venezuela tieneciero prácticam garantizionnoticiero univisionu irónicomente la asambleaticier estados unidosionivisio criticó actitud de chávez que lo que chávez hace isionnoticiero univ busca aprobar un paqueteo univi univisrte deh@noticiero univisi chávez a gobernar por decreto ya fue aprobada en primera discusión pero sus diputados querían más tiempo >>> que se le entregue por 24 meses, por 2 años. esto tiene presentación en la actual asamblea, que alentar al país que dicen el peligro aed probar estas leyes. >>> si habilitamos al presidente para legislar sobre cualquier materia, quitando esta responsabilidad de manos de este parlamento y sobre todo del que viene ticier> elivisiouniv debn era s los canales de televisión públicos y privados la discusión de este miércoles ces
una nueva etapa en la relación entre colombia y ecuador llega el presidente correa con ayuda.teo en la cámara un hombre disparó contra funcionario de la junta escolar de la florida tenemos el trágico desenlace. este es su noticiero univision con jorge ramos y maría elena salinas. qué tal, el presidente de venezuela tieneciero prácticam garantizionnoticiero univisionu irónicomente la asambleaticier estados unidosionivisio criticó actitud de chávez que lo que chávez hace isionnoticiero...
Dec 30, 2010
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otra noticia, la sublevaciÓn militacont rafael correa. >> ¡si quier matar al esidente acÁ está!sta partido de venezuela perdiÓ con el absoluto en la asamblea anticindo batallas por la asamblea, pidiÓ poderes plenos, la asamblea le aprobÓ una nueva ley habilitante. entre los latinoamericanos mario vargas llosa ganador del nobel de literatu y su emotivo mensaje. >>padecemos menos dictaduras militares... >> ricky martin quien en marzo revelÓ su orientación sexual con un ahora naciÓn deinco palabras, el artista publicÓ en noviembre su libroyo". otro fue diego forlÁn el urugyo que seizo del tÍtulo del mÁs valioso dea copa d fÚtbol a propÓsitoa copa del mundo sudÁfrica 20 todÍa resuenan con el waka waka de akira... ♪ las vuvuzelas, la jabulani y el increÍble avance donde llegaron tres elecciones latinoamericanas, finalmente ganÓ la furia roja. ♪ >> tambiÉn en el 2010, fuimos testigos de la llegada de aparatos de televisiÓn y vÍdeo con tercera dimensiÓn, y tal vez le parezca que lleva toda una vida en el mercado pero el ipad tiene 11 meses a la venta, un dispositivo que pudiera ser mej
otra noticia, la sublevaciÓn militacont rafael correa. >> ¡si quier matar al esidente acÁ está!sta partido de venezuela perdiÓ con el absoluto en la asamblea anticindo batallas por la asamblea, pidiÓ poderes plenos, la asamblea le aprobÓ una nueva ley habilitante. entre los latinoamericanos mario vargas llosa ganador del nobel de literatu y su emotivo mensaje. >>padecemos menos dictaduras militares... >> ricky martin quien en marzo revelÓ su orientación sexual con un...
Dec 30, 2010
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. >> y otra noticia este año fueron las alteración contra el gobierno bien de correa por leyes que apoficialista partido socialista de venezuela perdió control en la somos blea, anticipando batallas con la asamblea que tomará posesión en enero, chávez pidió poder extremo y le aprobaron una nueva l ley. >> y entre latinos destacados mario vargas llosa, ganador del nobel de literatura. >> padecemos menos dictaduras que ante años solo cuba y su candidato a se cundarla venezuela y, algunos democracias como la de bolivia y nicaragua. >>. >> y ricky martin en marzo reveló su orientación sexual con una oración de cinco palabras. >> el artista publicó el libro yo y a propósito habló breertmente del tema. >> y otro que ocupó titular fue forlán a el uruguayo del que se hizo del título del más valioso en la copa mundial de fútbol. >> (♪). >> a propósito la copa del mundo sudáfrica todavía resuena. con el wac wac de shakira. la pelota, y el increíble avance al cual llegaron tres latinoamericanas al final pulpo paul mediante ganó españa. >> ♪. >> muy bien fuimos testigos de la llegó de aparatos de
. >> y otra noticia este año fueron las alteración contra el gobierno bien de correa por leyes que apoficialista partido socialista de venezuela perdió control en la somos blea, anticipando batallas con la asamblea que tomará posesión en enero, chávez pidió poder extremo y le aprobaron una nueva l ley. >> y entre latinos destacados mario vargas llosa, ganador del nobel de literatura. >> padecemos menos dictaduras que ante años solo cuba y su candidato a se cundarla...
Dec 14, 2010
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luego a los damnficados por las lluvias que se encuentran refugiados en el fuerte tiuna, en caracas...correaien viajara a colombia, dado que ese pais atraviesa una grave crisis ocasionada igualmente por las lluvias... el gobiernode el salvador emprendio una fuerte depuracion del personal en las carceles y decidio no renovar en 2011 los contratos a 330- custodios y empledados administrativos, en un intento por erradicaplanifican muchos de detecto el ingreso de drogas, celulares y otros articulos prohibidos dentro del presidio.. ademas a otros 83 funcionarios administrativos, entre ellos los directores de dos penitencieritampoco le sera renovado el contrato el hae los examenes para detectar el cancer de seno o el cancer cervical...y aun cuando saben que estan poniendo en riesgo sus vidas..de esto c> los que el sistema de salud universitario ofrece apoyo econr a que las muj se hagan sus examenes anuales, tanto del papanicolau asi como los examenes de seno.. adriana salas se pudo hacer sus examenes gracias a la ayud hispanas, debemos reconocer que para que la familia este bien, primero te
luego a los damnficados por las lluvias que se encuentran refugiados en el fuerte tiuna, en caracas...correaien viajara a colombia, dado que ese pais atraviesa una grave crisis ocasionada igualmente por las lluvias... el gobiernode el salvador emprendio una fuerte depuracion del personal en las carceles y decidio no renovar en 2011 los contratos a 330- custodios y empledados administrativos, en un intento por erradicaplanifican muchos de detecto el ingreso de drogas, celulares y otros articulos...
Dec 25, 2010
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ocurrió cerca de una zona donde el público lleva a pasear a sus perros sin correa. >> luego que su departamenton árbol de navidad. ocurrió a las seis de la mañana de ayer. los moradores dormían, entonces intentaron salir de la casa pero la entrada estaba en llamas. un bombero sufrió lesiones leves al responder al llamado. >> hay ciertas medidas sobre todo si pretende dejar el árbol de navidad hasta el día de reyes. >> fueron dos incendios, estos simples descuidos podrían ser grandes tragedias. >> erica tiene varias razones para reir. >> [ idioma no español ]. >> tenía comida que me habia olvidado que estaba en el horno y comenzó a salir humo. pudo haber ocasionado este incendio. nadie resultó herido y todos salir. >> erica y esta familia fueron afortunados que las llamas pudieron ser controladas a tiempo. >> sean precavidos, no dejen velas encendidas. usen el sentido común. >> así tambiñn el sistema elñctrico del árbol de navidad estñ siendo vigilado. >> los residentes fueron evacuados y en este momento están de regreso en sus hogares. >> la ciudad de belñn celebró su navidad más linda. los fun
ocurrió cerca de una zona donde el público lleva a pasear a sus perros sin correa. >> luego que su departamenton árbol de navidad. ocurrió a las seis de la mañana de ayer. los moradores dormían, entonces intentaron salir de la casa pero la entrada estaba en llamas. un bombero sufrió lesiones leves al responder al llamado. >> hay ciertas medidas sobre todo si pretende dejar el árbol de navidad hasta el día de reyes. >> fueron dos incendios, estos simples descuidos...
Dec 26, 2010
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y aquí estamos, sin lo que veníamos a buscar, o sea querida, como perro sin correa, es decir, sin perross llenas la cabeza con todas esas locuras, sólo por que escuchas a frenéticos perros y sus historias de miseria. los niños son impresionables, no lo sabias, pudiste ponerlos en peligro. >> como si eso te hubiera detenido. >> march, lo lamento, es una suerte que bailey me despertara, honestamente no sabía que los chicos estarían ahí. >> ya me voy. >> te llevo a casa. >> bailey. >> ¿hmm? >> andando amigo, es tiempo de irnos. >> eh, no, no, yo quiero quedarme. >> vámonos, tenemos que llegar a casa ahora. >> cariño, estaremos en contacto. >> sólo tenemos una opción, volver a entrar ahí. >> ¿no podríamos esperarlo aquí? digo, pienso que lo deben dejar salir alguna vez a hacer sus necesidades. >> si saldrá en algún momento. >> ¿en su propio jardín? >> pobre perro rico. (♪ ♪) >> ahí está, ahí está. (música). >> ven con papá. hay algo en el aire esta noche, muchos, muchos gatos. (♪ ♪) >> ahí viene. >> ahí viene. >> ten preparada la red. >> ja, ja, ja, prepárate voy a morderte. >> siéntate perr
y aquí estamos, sin lo que veníamos a buscar, o sea querida, como perro sin correa, es decir, sin perross llenas la cabeza con todas esas locuras, sólo por que escuchas a frenéticos perros y sus historias de miseria. los niños son impresionables, no lo sabias, pudiste ponerlos en peligro. >> como si eso te hubiera detenido. >> march, lo lamento, es una suerte que bailey me despertara, honestamente no sabía que los chicos estarían ahí. >> ya me voy. >> te llevo a...
Dec 16, 2010
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los dos mandatarios realizaron un recorrido por zonas afectadas por las inundaciones en colombia, correacipales campos de la universidad de puerto rico, lanzaron gases, hasta que fueron desalojados por la policÍa. >> la tranquilidad con la que transcurrÍa el segundo día de huelga fue interrumpida temprano en la tarde cuando los estudiantes entraron a la facultad de ciencias naturales llevando a cabo su manifestaciÓn. >> ¡luchando por el futuro! >> la presencia policÍaca era evidente mientras estudiantes expresaban en contra de aquellos profesores que daba -daban clases en el recinto. >> esos profesores no toman en consideraciÓn, lo que han determinado, y los -lo que hemos decidido nosotros, que no se puede estudiar en un campo militar. >> estudiantes entraron a los salones tirando pupitres en seÑal de que no habÍa clases. los estudiantes siguieron su marcha hasta que se toparon con la presencia de agentes de la fuerza del choque. (gritos) >> llegaron hasta la avenida barbosa, allÍ la jueza se mantuvo vigilante pero los estudiantes decidieron marchar por toda esa vÍa, seguidos por policÍa
los dos mandatarios realizaron un recorrido por zonas afectadas por las inundaciones en colombia, correacipales campos de la universidad de puerto rico, lanzaron gases, hasta que fueron desalojados por la policÍa. >> la tranquilidad con la que transcurrÍa el segundo día de huelga fue interrumpida temprano en la tarde cuando los estudiantes entraron a la facultad de ciencias naturales llevando a cabo su manifestaciÓn. >> ¡luchando por el futuro! >> la presencia policÍaca...
Dec 8, 2010
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. >> if i did not that correa a deal done on january 1, the taxes of the middle class america would not go up. that is pretty straightforward. if we did not get the correa deal done by january 1, 2 million people would have no way to support their families. you've got a situation here that was urgent for millions of people. companies but also of labor, the story was not talked about as much. i am happy to be tested over the next several months about our ability to negotiate with republicans. >> do you hope to use this two- year window to push for a broader overhaul the tax code? >> the answer is yes. part of what i want to do is essentially get the american people in a safe place so that we can then get the economy in a stable place and then we will have to have a broad based a discussion across the country about our priorities. i have started doing that yesterday down in north carolina. this will be the long-term issue. we have had two years of emergency, emergency economic action, the banking industry, the auto industry, and employment assurance, a whole range of issues, on some state
. >> if i did not that correa a deal done on january 1, the taxes of the middle class america would not go up. that is pretty straightforward. if we did not get the correa deal done by january 1, 2 million people would have no way to support their families. you've got a situation here that was urgent for millions of people. companies but also of labor, the story was not talked about as much. i am happy to be tested over the next several months about our ability to negotiate with...
Dec 5, 2010
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about listing correa when there was a huge crowd like 1 million or more people. why did you have kind of a crowd in south korea? i mean, it was an extraordinary up to 2 million people in south korea, you think closer to a million in the book, and tell me about what you have learned. i know when used the press like alaska or the middle east, korea has been a big part of your life. going on there now and would you today jimmy carter be willing to go to north korea tonight, tomorrow, the next week and try to negotiate some kind of settlement after this recent back-and-forth going on? >> guest: i hate to say this but the number three income trust me, 15 years ago, we were faced with a prospect of the korean war because kim il-sung who was worshiped in eritrea, i'm not exaggerating, he's a combination of jesus christ and washington for the north koreans, because of the various reasons i don't have time to go into, he decided he would expel the international atomic energy inspectors and start reprocessing the nuclear fuel from that ancient atomic reactive activity and
about listing correa when there was a huge crowd like 1 million or more people. why did you have kind of a crowd in south korea? i mean, it was an extraordinary up to 2 million people in south korea, you think closer to a million in the book, and tell me about what you have learned. i know when used the press like alaska or the middle east, korea has been a big part of your life. going on there now and would you today jimmy carter be willing to go to north korea tonight, tomorrow, the next week...
Dec 20, 2010
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diplomats from around the world, concurs that the united nations to talk about the curve crisis began correa. despite the danger they did not agree on how to address the problem. on the peninsula people have started off the island were south korea is showing off its might. many people have evacuated. though some are staying put. >> caring what they can, villagers had to what they believe is the last ferry off the island. linked by our military personnel, evacuees boarded caring children and helping the elderly. >> i'm leaving because they said the drills are tomorrow, she does not want to leave. of course i'm angry she tells me, that is not a point to change anything. the residents who are evacuating the island on this very have not let just once, this is the second time they are evacuating, the difference fell least they have warned. nearly a month ago there was not for the artillery shells landing in a stunning attack on the village caroling to civilians and to south korean marines. the village today is silent. few signs of life except for military trucks patrolling. not everybody is leavi
diplomats from around the world, concurs that the united nations to talk about the curve crisis began correa. despite the danger they did not agree on how to address the problem. on the peninsula people have started off the island were south korea is showing off its might. many people have evacuated. though some are staying put. >> caring what they can, villagers had to what they believe is the last ferry off the island. linked by our military personnel, evacuees boarded caring children...
Dec 10, 2010
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if you look at the correa trade agreement, that was not one of the things lauded as a central part of this. it didn't rather nicely the later part . it is a rhetorical device. people do this because they need to achieve the president's vision. we are hearing a good sound proposals that would make for a better trade policy. if you think about it as a marketing strategy, it looks better than if you think about it as a practical plan. i will stop their. >> one thing i did note -- the fact she does not say it will create 70,000 new jobs. you all have been sitting here for quite a while. i will turn very quickly to you. i have two questions that came up. barry something that's said. the connection between the two driving forces in terms of the balance of exchange rates on the one hand and then the identity on the other hand, the balance. is one more important than the other? how do they interconnect? if you don't change the identity, you can change the dollar value and end up with a fairly substantial trade deficit. how do they interact? the second is this collection of issues related to t
if you look at the correa trade agreement, that was not one of the things lauded as a central part of this. it didn't rather nicely the later part . it is a rhetorical device. people do this because they need to achieve the president's vision. we are hearing a good sound proposals that would make for a better trade policy. if you think about it as a marketing strategy, it looks better than if you think about it as a practical plan. i will stop their. >> one thing i did note -- the fact...
Dec 16, 2010
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. >> el presidente de ecuador rafael correa llegÓ a colombia con una voz solidaria en el momento en quetinuar hasta finales del mes de marzo. >> mÁs adelanuncon los dineros que aseisionconsignen desde el exterior se construirÁn cientos damnificados de esta temporada invernal. >> muchas gracias. bueno, vean que el espÍritu de la navidad invade a muchos como a este buen samaritano de iowa. que saliÓ a la calle para ayudar a los mÁs damnificados. ierta americaunivisiondespiert dÓlares diciendo feliz navidad. naericapodrÍa creer a este anÓnimo papÁ noel sin la vestimenta roja. continuamos con mÁs de despierta amÉrica. despierta americaunivisiondesÁ rÁpido, verdad? >> quÉ te pareciÓ? >> jamÁs te lo habÍas imaginado, lo que sirve para pulir los muebles de madera sirven para hacer correr las puertas. >> presta atenciÓn. >> en estas fechas muchas personas les pega duro la soledad. unionspiert las desventajas de volver con el ex. >> cÓmo estÁs, poncho? >> sÉ que tienes una anécdota quÉ platicar. >> hay que entrar en confianza. >> vrae vamos a hablar de este asunto. pregunta clave. >> hay 5 razon
. >> el presidente de ecuador rafael correa llegÓ a colombia con una voz solidaria en el momento en quetinuar hasta finales del mes de marzo. >> mÁs adelanuncon los dineros que aseisionconsignen desde el exterior se construirÁn cientos damnificados de esta temporada invernal. >> muchas gracias. bueno, vean que el espÍritu de la navidad invade a muchos como a este buen samaritano de iowa. que saliÓ a la calle para ayudar a los mÁs damnificados. ierta...
Dec 22, 2010
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correa to what some of the following you?hits from all over the place it's pretty exciting and amazing. i can't believe it. >> your nose stranger to being in front of the camera, he were on a tlc show your wedding? >> we got married at the zoo in santa barbara and a wedding take over the assets to be on it was great. >> so a star was born even then. we've got about 20 seconds left and don't have a time to get this he won a brush with fame was james he met a man i guess you could make the connection between him >> someone wanted to introduce me to someone famous and i said what's your name again and he said the brawn and i said a poll carried >> it probably took them back a little bit because everyone knows of a broad jameses. >> even i do edges didn't know what he look like you're dead >> check 101 football for girls check it out. story behind today's top celebrity news. i'm lara spencer. >> "the insider" is on. >> "the view" today on sarah palin's new first lady feud. >> i think sarah palin picking a fight with michelle obam
correa to what some of the following you?hits from all over the place it's pretty exciting and amazing. i can't believe it. >> your nose stranger to being in front of the camera, he were on a tlc show your wedding? >> we got married at the zoo in santa barbara and a wedding take over the assets to be on it was great. >> so a star was born even then. we've got about 20 seconds left and don't have a time to get this he won a brush with fame was james he met a man i guess you...
Dec 30, 2010
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otras noticias destacadas a fin de aÑo fue la sublevaciÓn militar contra rafael correa. >> aquÍ estÁde aÑo? no se vaya. mire esto. fÁcil de preparar para todos los invitados. eso al regreso. listo? >> listo. >> asÍ me gusta. ya regresamos con mÁs de despierta amÉrica. voy a comer asÍ que no me tomas! sigue tond no te detengas... fantástico! >> vamos con la segunda parte de los escÁndalos más sonados en el 2010. >> levy fue acusado de acoso sexual. >> gloria ruiz madre de la cantante gloria trevi fue detenida en panamÁ por supuesto fraude al fisco. pasÓ 9 meses en topo chico, monterrey y luego logrÓ salir en libertad tras pagar la fianza. el cantante juan gabriel se vio inmiscuido en un escÁndalo de abuso sexual. el presunto afectado se llama juan carlos y declarÓ que el cantante abusÓ de Él cuando tenÍa 15 aÑos. hoy a sus 42 aÑos el sujeto asegura que cayÓ bajo los efectos de las drogas y el alcohol por el trauma . >> y paquita la del barrio declarÓ... la comunidad gay exigiÓ una disculpa pÚblica a la intÉrprete de rata de dos patas. >> la actriz sumamente afectada desmintiÓ dicha in
otras noticias destacadas a fin de aÑo fue la sublevaciÓn militar contra rafael correa. >> aquÍ estÁde aÑo? no se vaya. mire esto. fÁcil de preparar para todos los invitados. eso al regreso. listo? >> listo. >> asÍ me gusta. ya regresamos con mÁs de despierta amÉrica. voy a comer asÍ que no me tomas! sigue tond no te detengas... fantástico! >> vamos con la segunda parte de los escÁndalos más sonados en el 2010. >> levy fue acusado de acoso sexual....
Dec 10, 2010
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correa is a big market, and a good opportunity. it is partly for political reasons. korea is in a difficult part of the world and cemented the relationship is important. economics is always present. -- is always present. and frankly, it is quite defensive. if that goes through when we do not do that, that means our major competitors in the telecommunication and manufacturing will have a huge advantage over us. host: what is the status of this agreement? guest: that is a good question. the agreement was signed in the bush administration. aret is being negotiated now i some things to make it more balanced. they are scrubbing it, putting in more legal language and it will be submitted to the congress next year. it is eligible for what is called fast track. once the president formally submit the bill, it cannot be amended. it must be voted upon. there is no filibuster opportunity. what that means in practice, though, is that this is a series of long negotiations between the president and the congress over what he should submit. they will say, if you submitted this way, w
correa is a big market, and a good opportunity. it is partly for political reasons. korea is in a difficult part of the world and cemented the relationship is important. economics is always present. -- is always present. and frankly, it is quite defensive. if that goes through when we do not do that, that means our major competitors in the telecommunication and manufacturing will have a huge advantage over us. host: what is the status of this agreement? guest: that is a good question. the...
Dec 7, 2010
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host: it gives five years to phase out of a 2.5% tariff it has on the cargo for self correa. your view? guest: the itc is the independent government agency that analyzes all u.s. trade agreements. i think their analysis on the tariff cuts and in tariffs going to zero [unintelligible] i think what the itc said it will increase the u.s. trade deficit. they think it would cost 100 to 9000 u.s. dollars, mainly in manufacturing but not -- 150,000 u.s. dollars mainly in manufacturing. host: here are the phone numbers that you can call. our guest is director of the public citizen's global trade watch. we will dig into some of the details. how big is the u.s. and south korea trade? many do not know this. the trade in 2009, $67.8 billion. $39.2 billion u.s. exports. what is your take on that number? -- $39.2 billion in u.s. imports. what is your take on the number? guest: we have done a series of trade agreements. those relatively speaking have been smaller countries. this is a huge manufacturing country. we have an $11 billion trade deficit to there in manufacturing goods creating a
host: it gives five years to phase out of a 2.5% tariff it has on the cargo for self correa. your view? guest: the itc is the independent government agency that analyzes all u.s. trade agreements. i think their analysis on the tariff cuts and in tariffs going to zero [unintelligible] i think what the itc said it will increase the u.s. trade deficit. they think it would cost 100 to 9000 u.s. dollars, mainly in manufacturing but not -- 150,000 u.s. dollars mainly in manufacturing. host: here are...
Dec 7, 2010
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host: it gives five years to phase out of a 2.5% tariff it has on the cargo for self correa.hat is your view? guest: the itc is the independent government agency that analyzes all u.s. trade agreements. i think their analysis on the tariff cuts and in tariffs going to zero [unintelligible] i think what the itc said it will increase the u.s. trade deficit. they think it would cost 100 to 9000 u.s. dollars, mainly in manufacturing but not -- 150,000 u.s. dollars mainly in manufacturing. host: here are the phone numbers that you can call. our guest is director of the public citizen's global trade watc. we will dig into some of the details. how big is the u.s. and south korea trade? many do not know this. the trade in 2009, $67.8 billion. $39.2 billion u.s. exports. what is your take on that number? -- $39.2 billion in u.s. imports. what is your takon the number? guest: we have done a series of trade agreements. those relatively speaking have been smaller countries. this is a huge manufacturing country. we have an $11 billion trade deficit to there in manufacturing goods creating
host: it gives five years to phase out of a 2.5% tariff it has on the cargo for self correa.hat is your view? guest: the itc is the independent government agency that analyzes all u.s. trade agreements. i think their analysis on the tariff cuts and in tariffs going to zero [unintelligible] i think what the itc said it will increase the u.s. trade deficit. they think it would cost 100 to 9000 u.s. dollars, mainly in manufacturing but not -- 150,000 u.s. dollars mainly in manufacturing. host:...
Dec 20, 2010
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. >> station in correa happy thanksgiving merry christmas and happy new year to my grandmother and alland family and the bay area. i love you hope to see you soon. >> i'm in germany at the holidays to my wife is have francisco california i will be home soon. tirade helles 745 day at storm tracker for all lit up in the north bay along the peninsula we are dry but overcast. we are seeing heavy rain down through mountain feel and act as well along highway 37 rainfall rates close to half an inch per hour. at times coming down more than an inch per hour. we could see thunderstorms and embedded in that same story here as you can see is pushing through sir francis street boulevard along highway 1. down in the south bay a few sprinkles the through morgan hill and it looks like a few sprinkles through hayward and fremont as well. some snow fall in through mount hamilton you can see snowfall coming down and of course no fall in this year as well snow coming down long 80 and 50 we have a winter storm warning in effect till about 4 snow levels at 6,000 ft. could get lower than that 2-3 in. at lake
. >> station in correa happy thanksgiving merry christmas and happy new year to my grandmother and alland family and the bay area. i love you hope to see you soon. >> i'm in germany at the holidays to my wife is have francisco california i will be home soon. tirade helles 745 day at storm tracker for all lit up in the north bay along the peninsula we are dry but overcast. we are seeing heavy rain down through mountain feel and act as well along highway 37 rainfall rates close to...
Dec 5, 2010
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next, president obama announces a trade agreement to sell correa and comments on the bush era tax cuts. then the debate on the tax-cut amendment. and then democrat and republican -- republican reaction to it. >> if i had to put my money on a likely outcome, it would be peace in iran. it is likely to be [unintelligible] we have to hope that if it does happen, the new dictator or ruler will be a lot more benign than saddam hussein. >> in longtime london correspondent to the new york times, john burns, on the war in iraq. this is on "q&a" on sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern. >> book tv is available to you on television, on-line, and radio. you can also look get our video library. c-span is on the road with our. the c-span network is available in millions of homes. it is provided as a public service. >> earlier today, president obama spoke about a new free- trade agreement with south korea, which he says will create 7000 american jobs. he also takes questions on the senate blocking two democratic measures to extend the bush era tax cuts. this is about 10 minutes. >> good afternoon. i want to ta
next, president obama announces a trade agreement to sell correa and comments on the bush era tax cuts. then the debate on the tax-cut amendment. and then democrat and republican -- republican reaction to it. >> if i had to put my money on a likely outcome, it would be peace in iran. it is likely to be [unintelligible] we have to hope that if it does happen, the new dictator or ruler will be a lot more benign than saddam hussein. >> in longtime london correspondent to the new york...
Dec 11, 2010
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. >> puc signs that china is planning a more constructive role when north correa? are they fully engaged is still falling short? >> the debt between -- deput will have a read out. what is most important is we share a common interest. they have the same interest as the united states has. china wants the same thing, for north korea to seize their provocative actions. we may have a difference to view as to what the right step is now and we look for it in the future. >> you said a cause diplomatic tensions. is that how you would describe this? >> we share concerns. its population had the opportunity to visit the united states for any region, it is subjected to increased scrutiny because a type of dress. that raises concern in other countries around the world. everyone understands that security at airports is a reality. they want to make sure they are treated properly, it barely, and not subjected to unusual security measures. we understand that. whether it is this incident or others that have happened, the last thing they want to do -- we the citizensjectect that trave
. >> puc signs that china is planning a more constructive role when north correa? are they fully engaged is still falling short? >> the debt between -- deput will have a read out. what is most important is we share a common interest. they have the same interest as the united states has. china wants the same thing, for north korea to seize their provocative actions. we may have a difference to view as to what the right step is now and we look for it in the future. >> you said a...