part in the new offer- whole foods, zappos, mcdonalds and h and m.for business brief, i'm elizabeth corridan--end-----cnn.script----- 3 caa you recognize thise house?the famous movie itts from.and the hefty rice tag.. it was just sold for. ron paul may be on point about the federal reserve. he has proposed that we abolish the federal ressrve. if we look at federal reserve policy hard toosse how they have keeping interest rates low since the recession began they have not stimuulted the economy. in fact they may have hurt the interest lower interest rates have f clearly discouraged ssvings by the american consumer.. ho wants to save aa thousand dollars annually only tooreceive year from their bankk there is a certain irony recession was caused byy the feds solution is to reduce interest rates in that sector &pof the market. does the ffd truly more money to invest in real estatt? our money inflation ightmare waiting to happen? for more, go to behind the headlines dot net faaebook. i'm armstrong williaas 3 3 the benefits of fruits and veggies. how they can mprove your appeaaance. tonnght on fox