albeit small and sparsely populated, corsica can occasionally erupt into passionate disputes.e small war taking place in a little village on the mountainous island, isn't about its ongoing fight for independence from mainland france. instead, it's over a pig's right to roam. >> gerard alfonsi is attached to the bit of chestnut forest he owns. his ancestors are all buried here near the village of piobetta, and this is where he wants to spend his old age. it could all be so wonderful -- if it weren't for the animals. goats, cows, and even pigs wander freely through alfonsi's garden. >> in the old days, they built walls here to protect the trees. this is where the wall was, but the pigs have rooted around here, destroying the wall and digging up the roots of the tree. now the roots are exposed. >> the former forester belongs to a group of retirees who have returned to piobetta, their home village on corsica, after living elsewhere for decades. while they were away, they say, local farmers simply took over their gardens. the farmers want grazing land for their animals -- and eu su