from the ground in corsica, the rest of the team observes the acrobatics.keeps a close eye on his teammates. he is the reserve pilot. >> correction? >> no correction. >> no correction. >> an elite reserve because he is the most experienced pilot. he has to be able to fill in for any of the team members, except the leader. the alpha jets go through the figures one by one. and then, it is the finale. >> into the finale in three. >> that was great. that was great. >> not a missed beat. not a single mistake. the reserve pilot congratulates his teammates. >> there's still a little work to do to be perfect in this fantastic venture. you're a very fine team. great job, everyone. >> with the dress rehearsal over, the pilots can now dress in their traditional sky-blue. since the patrol was founded in 1953, its members have formed a very close knit brotherhood. >> [speaking foreign language] >> here's george 50 years later. for the past half-century, he has kept in touch with former patrol mates. >> there are not many professions in which people meet up 50 years late