cory alexander and tim are friends and they worked together very constructively when tim was with tom delay, who was in the office, mr. mccarthy is in that office, and i had the privilege of using that office for four years and there was never a time when we walked down that hallway that we didn't think of detective gibson losing his life and officer chestnut losing his life outside that door. tim berry was there to serve. tim berry served, notwithstanding the dangers that were self-evident. lisa is in the gallery and his children that have been mentioned by leader mccarthy. young people. you can be extraordinarily proud of your dad. i know, lisa, you are as well. he's made this institution a better institution. he's made the relationship between the parties more positive in times when it was greatly strained. tim, thank you. thank you for your service to the congress. thank you for your service to the country, and thanks for your service to each and every one of us. god bless you and god speed. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland yields ack. mr. mccarthy: i yield bac