frank lautenberg but also welcome a new member to the united states senate, the senator-elect, cory brooker. what a remarkable young man he is. he was a student at stanford, to get into stanford you have to be a regular order student. but also a tight end for the football team at stanford now ranked number five in the nation and there have a -- stle a great football program and cory booker everyone will find he's a very, very big fan physically. he after graduating with a degree from stanford in political science he got his master's degree in sociology from stanford. he then became a rhodes scholar and studied the united states history at oxford. he received his law degree from yale, what an outstanding academic record. stanford, a couple of degrees, rhodes scholar, oxford, yale law school, that's quite impressive and then served on the city council and men mayor for two years of newark. and a job that's been noticed all over the country. recognized the great work he's done. during this four-week period, mr. president, we're going to do a number of things. not necessarily in this order. but