. -- with cory mccloskey on fox 10 news. >> he was out at the bakery all morning. was it the carbs that hve slowed you down? >> sorry, boys. >> boys? i'm a girl, a woman. >> yeah, he said sorry boys. >> i apologize for that. it's terribly bad form. i just want to check on these showers. >> yeah, working hard over it along, but some people love the run, so i don't want to disappoint those folks. by the time the weekend rolls in, everything is going to be fantastic. if you love the sunshine, you are in the right spot because the weekend is going to be great as well. but for now we are under these low hanging clouds. they look so terrific. we are looking northward here from the top of south mountain, and this is the kind of day we are in for, gray skies, drizzly at times. we have seen even some blowing dust. i think we'll still have a chance at some some of that as we move into the later hours of the day. your story at the moment, 96 the typical high, 106 the record, we won't be near even the normal today. we'll cruise through the afternoon in very cool style. here's