if you think about it, too, you really are this generation's howard cosell? >> without the toupe. >> without the toupe. you say what you think is the truth and sometimes it's polarizing but everyone wants to hear what you have to say relative to a game? >> as i told you earlier, i think being on television i take great pride in it. there are not many black guys on television, to be honest with you. there are not. you look at all of the news shows, you know. there is very few black journalists. there is more now. but there never used to be any. when i get on television, i know i am representing black people. i tell them one thing. i am going to be honest. i am going to be fair. you are not going to like everything i say. but given this power, and it's a tremendous power, i am go to be fair. people. >> right. >> because you can't slant your opinion for people that like you because i figured out this a long time ago. it doesn't matter what you say. regardless. >> yeah. >> regardless. i remember, i remember going back when i was playing for the 6ers, i would thin