the rest of the costa condordia -- wreck of the costa condordia has threatened island life and the livelihood of its residents. >> is it just patronizing or plain racist? the belgian comic-book "tintin in the condo" has never been far from controversy. in the decades to follow, several scenes were altered or taken out. the comic was not even available in english until 60 years later. now, a belgian court has to decide whether or not the book must be kept out of children's reach. >> children read the adventures of tend to not just in belgium but all over the world -- the adventures of tintin. they have followed the young reporter and his dog even as far as the belgian congo, but it is that it venture that is causing problems. some said it is full of racist stereotypes. >> tintin orders the whole village around and behave like a colonial ruler. he tells them to get to work, but the villagers are tired and do not want to. he asks if they are not ashamed to let his stall work alone. the dog says, "get going, you lazy slobs." even the dog insults' the black people. >> he enjoyed reading the books