let's bring back our guests uh to get some idea behind what's happening here, rejoining us is costus sihos, the former deputy minister of national defense and mp of greece. uh, welcome back to the program uh, when we take a look at what is happening here, it's not great when it comes to the immigration that and the migration, i should say, from israelis, um, what are your thoughts about that in terms of uh, what uh, impact that's going to have at this point, like labor markets also being impacted, you have different uh dynamics involved here, the labor market i particular i like to ask you about with 160,00 palestinian workers not working. well, thank you for your... question once again, i think that the workforce uh liability within israel has to do, as we said before because of the enforced movement of israeli workers towards the army, but also because of the incredible stopping of migrants doing their own land and their own country of course of palestinian workers which has hit very, very hard israel. israel is trying to create a a new workforce, new workforce, substituting the palestin