so, cota runs the range. but, yes, it is a hard sell to people, because let's face it -- united states, we are 5% of the world's population, and we incarcerate 25% of the world's population, so we believe in locking people up. >> uh-huh. >> but we're not looking at the cost -- not only economic cost $200,000 to lock a kid up in new york state or over $60,000 for an adult, we're not looking at the human cost. and so a part of that sell is making people understand that no matter how many times you lock a person up, they're always coming back home. >> mm-hmm. >> and so isn't it better to stop them from going in the first place or, you know, even when they're about to come home, which we do, reach out to them and say, "you're coming home. out -- "'cause when you come back, we're gonna figure out what else you can do." >> right. >> how do you do that? what -- you know, if i say -- you said cota deals from 9 years old to 65. what is it that cota is able to offer these folks? >> so, in suffolk county, what we have i