because at the secondary level, coteaching is absolutely necessary to ensure that our students with i.e.p.'s graduate with all of their 8 through g requirements. we have to provide the staffing allocations for that teaching as well as schedule a school day so that those coteachers are allowed to coplan lessons. we have to ensure that our school site councils include special education in their planning process 'cause when parents and staff connected to special education have a seat at the table for the school planning, inclusion becomes a school wide priority. and finally, we have to address the service codes. the 900 codes, if you guys like to talk about service codes, which i do, have impaired paraprofessionals in our district. we were asked to stop using it because that's not the purpose of it, and instead of finding another code to appropriately specify the service that our paraeducators were offering to these students during that time, it was put in as a supplementary aids and services which means we don't accurately capture how much time these paraeducators need to be spending with t