he returned to cottingham, cottingham, you won't have to go home alone. this was just a matter of persuading himself, though. he wanted to know the answer. persuading the world would take more work. so once back in britain. eddington faced literal months of tedious measurement and further calculation. and the results from principe were calculated to be 1.71 arc seconds, comfortably close to einstein's prediction of 1.75. and once the results were in hand, eddington and dyson did some test runs of presents the data with private and friendly audiences to see how it would go over. and in fact these went well. and dyson schedules a joint meeting of the royal society and the royal astronomical society to present the results publicly. eddington sends word of the results to their mutual friends in the netherlands. he still can't communicate directly with einstein. and the dutch friends telegraph einstein with the news. and einstein is delighted. einstein shows this telegram with the results to anyone who walks into his apartment for the next couple of months, ev