that's a lotfor a suit-- but this couldcover yankeestadium's infield. anyway, we payfor everything, even if it isyour fault. there was no chocolate bar in this pocket. there's a principle involved here. the truth is your store's at fault. george offered to pay. let's leave it at that, ok? i'm sorry, i can't. not until george admits it's his mistake. next time, take themwhere they handlebig jobs like that. like the clevelandblimp works. oh, well... oh, that does it. there's just no dealing with you. there's no talking to you. and you're an incompetent dry cleaner! what? you've never fought like that before! were you listening? naturally. your argument's perfect for that show video verdict. video verdict? you ain't never seen video verdict? two parties agreeto let a ex-judgehear their case in front of everybodywatching tv. sounds silly to me. it's unbelievable. people say the dumbest things on that show. like i said, they make peoplelook ridiculous. only a foolwould even considergoing on that show. video verdict... oh, no. that's not a bad idea. tom, you'