so couldine stein make this thing work, karen? >> it depends on what this thing is. the computer systems, maybe a few more tech support people could make it work. maybe they should bring over the n.s.a. for that. but almost certainly the computer bugs that have made it almost impossible for a lot of people to sign up, that is going to get fixed. maybe not on the time line that people would like to see. and then we find out whether it really works. because what's going to happen, what has to happen, for this health care system to work as president obama has promised us that it will, is that a lot of healthy people are going to have to sign up for these exchanges along with sick people. we know that people with pre-existing conditions, with illnesses, we know that they are very motivated and they are going to sit there and do whatever it takes to get into these exchanges. now the question is, is it going to function well enough that young healthy people will as well? gwen: we know that right now, young healthy people or anybody can't really get on the site. and that th