. >> you know, and the lines of courters that existed back in 2012 are thinned out. i mean, i doubt that he has three or four -- you know, half of the amount of people -- who are urging him to run as he had before. so i think his time has passed. i think it was in 2012. >> let's talk about corporate leadership. the afl-cio, which does represent laborers in or country, did an analysis of c.e.o. salaries and, in one instance, found that c.e.o.s around the country are earning 373 times what their lowest-level entry-level workers are making, and the difference is getting bigger. they're getting bonuses, they're getting their pensions and things that do tie in and make a lot of money. this at a time when some of the workers can't even make ends meet because they're doing, as i said, hourly jobs that really don't afford a family. what do you think should happen here? the c.e.o.s can make an argument for they're running companies nationwide. they deserve something. but do they deserve 373 times what their workers are making. >> oy. >> walmart is getting jumped on, in partic