(couucilman welch) "i just and any changes that you might - envision ii terms of that community policing...."(batts) phis community policing philosophy in the police departmentt. but morr likely, we'rr goiiggto go to the they need from us." us." batts replaces fred bealefeld... who retired in august after 30 years at the baltimore police departmenn. nominations committee... battss nomination goes to the full council for a ffll vote... which could haapennas early as next monday. should a city that's closingg rec centees nd raising jail?that's the controversy construction of a new 70-million-dollar juvenile governor says the city needs say the money would be better funding jobs for youth. 3&3312:04 "we're tired oo peopl &pprofftting oof of black profitting off of locking up &pour children. we're tired of people saying we have money to build a jail, but don't have money for schools or recreetion centers." centers."the mayor says shee wants to meet with the governorrtoodiscuss the propossd youth jail before ennorssng it. 3 today....maryllnd clergy from multipleedenominations will hold two ne