now if you don't know what bit coyne is, want to buy some bit coyne? no? are you sure?kay, jimmy. >> tell them what it is. it is digital coins treated between computers. the writer of the program created a finite amount. like gold, the value changes daily. >> bit-coin is gold for nerds, if you will >> stephen: yes. gold for nerds. or as we nerds call it, mithril. stronger than steel. mined by the dwarfs moria until they dug too deeply and released her in vein. and released durin's bane. you know. bit-coin. bit-coin joins a rich tradition of made-up currencies like camel cash and the euro. but inlike currencies run by a cabal of central bankers, bit-coin is a purely online currency with no intrinsic value. its worth is based solely on the willingness of holders and merchants to accept it in trade. that's right. bit-coin has worth just because a bunch of people on the internet have agreed that it is worth something. like psy. >> essentially the online world is the central bank here. just imagine if the federal reserve was taken over by gamestop. now you can get bit-coin b